SEO optimization allows site to be better visible on internet search engines such as Google, Bing, Yahoo and others. There are internal and external SEO optimization methods. Internal SEO optimazation depends on effective site data structure and rich pages metadata.

    KUSoftas CMS supports basic metadata - page title, page description, page keywords, page language. Metadata for Facebook and Twitter will be automatically included into each page. You need to provide Facebook administrator ID to be used in Facebook metadata and URL to site logo file to be used in Twitter metadata.. Pages URL contains user friedly structure.

    KUSoftas CMS allow to create sitemap XML file to help internet search engines indexers better understand site structure, to specify which page is more important or more often changed, what is last page update date. Individual site pages may be included or not into sitemap, additional prepared by hand XML files may be added to sitemap XML file automaticaly.

    News items have its own metadata and will be automatically included into sitemap XML file. Pages containing news items will take metadata from first news item on the page.

    Google Analytics service helps to gather and analyze site visit statistics. Site template sample includes Google Analytics support. You need to provide Google Analytics administrator ID.