API URL/mnu/put
    DescriptionCreate new or update CMS menu item info RESTFul API
    AccessRestricted to roles: admin, demo (r/o)
    Rquest methodPOST
    Request data typeRequest raw data
    Request data
    { id: 'menu id in DB table', // ex. '1' (applicable if update) folder: '', // '1' - menu item is folder seq: "XXXXXXX", // unique SEQ doc_id: 'assigned to menu page id in DB table', // ex. '1' (applicable if page is assigned to menu item) dir_id: 'parent menu id in DB table', // applicable when create new menu item dir_type: '2', // 1 - language, 2 - menu lng_id: 'language id in DB table', // ex. '1' title: 'menu title', // ex. 'Samples' title_doc: 'page title', // ex. 'Samples' title_full: 'page extended title', // ex. 'All samples related to something' desc: 'page description', keyw: 'page keywords', lang: 'page language id' // ex 'en' name: 'menu name', //ex. 'Samples' class: 'menu item class name', // class to be assigned to <li> item in menu list class_list: 'menu list class name', // class to be assigned to <ul> item in menu list url: 'menu URL', // ex. '/samples' url_target: 'a href tag target', // ex. '_blank' active: '0', // 1 - will assign class 'surrent' by default default: '0', // 1 - mnu template plugin will select as default in starting not from begining path: '1', // 1 - include in template pth plugin public: '1', // 1 - page public available, 0 - no public available public_start: '0000-00-00 00:00:00', // when page public availability starts (if public=1) public_stop: '9999-00-00 00:00:00', // when page public availability stops (if public=1) access_changed: '1', // 1 - access data was changed, 0 - access data remains unchanged access: { // access control data i: '1', // 1 - inheritance is alowed, 0 - inheritance is not alowed r: { // read permission - actual only in Pages tool g: ['group code', ...], // group/role permissions, ex. ['admin','demo'] u: ['user id', ...] // user permissions, ex. ['jsmi'] }, w: { // write permission - actual only in Pages tool g: ['group code', ...], u: ['user id', ...] }, e:{ // execute permission - controls permission for page execution in browser g: ['group code', ...], u: ['user id', ...] }, m:{ // manage permission - actual only in Pages tool g: ['group code', ...], u: ['user id', ...] }, rep: '1' // 1 - replace access control data in all child nodes, 0 - do not replace }, manage: '1' - current user has permissions to change access control data }
    Response typeJSON
    Response data
    { rc: 'return code', // '0' - success, '1' - error msg: 'return message', // error message data:[ key: 'page id in DB table', // ex. '1' filter: 'language id in DB table', // ex. '1' type: '2', // 2 - menu item title: 'page title', // ex. 'demo' url: 'page url', // ex. '/demo' tooltip: 'text about menu item' editor: 'last update editor name', // ex. 'Linkoln Edgar', '0' - if cms builtin administrator timestamp: 'last update timestamp' // ex. '2013-09-02 15:04:33' ] }